Wednesday 31 August 2011

Me, swans.

Hi everyone! I am from the UK, and my hobbies are badminton, running, reading and best of all, singing and playing the piano. I also like Ralph Lauren clothes. I will be studying Law at the University of Southampton shortly, i.e. October, and we'll see how that goes. As for now, well, I'm not sure what I'm going to write about in this blog, it depends what life throws at me. OK, for starters, lets talk about the swans that paddle and waddle around the river behind my house. All of them white swans, except for one black one that's a different species and has a very red beak. He's a newbie and I have no idea where he came from. Among the swans is one particularly angry one who always has his wings tensed up and feathers out, and as soon as the others gather outside for some nice tasty bread, he comes with his neck tucked deep into his chest and chases them away. Why is he like that? I have absolutely no idea. He has pecked many a swan. Actually, pecked is not the right word. He has attempted to murder many a swan.Yep, he gets his beak and clamps it around any part of any other swan he can reach, after initiating Turbo-mode and doing a nought-to-'got ya!' in about half a second. He has also attacked ducks. Once he caught a duck and threw it about half a metre in the air. It's all true. Might upload some pictures of this homicidal maniac swan. He's crazy. I have to throw bread as a decoy so the other innocent ones can escape! Well that's all for now, I will update you should anything drastic happen. Watch this space :)

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